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Sh. Abdulrahman Cherri


Shaykh Abdulrahman Cherri was born in Dayton, Ohio. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a bachelor's degree in liberal arts with a focus on economics. He traveled to Qom in order to pursue his studies at the Seminary in 2015. His Hawza studies are still continuing while he is simultaneously serving various communities in North America through lecturing and teaching. He is also a PhD candidate at the University of Münster in Germany in the department of Islamic Theology.


PhD (Candidate), Islamic Theology - University of Münster

Advanced Studies, Islamic Studies - Islamic Seminary of Qom

Intermediate Studies, Islamic Studies - Islamic Seminary of Qom

BA, Liberal Arts (Focus on Economics) - University of Michigan

Academic Interests

Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Mysticism, Sadrian Philosophy, Arabic Logic, Islamic Psychology, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (My PhD thesis is Usuli, on Haqq al Ta'a and Asalat al Bara'a), Islamic Ethics, Islamic Theology.

Courses Taught

Logic - Spring 2025